The response to the first three Talking Literacy webinars has been incredible!
The next three webinars will feature Kate Nation (UK), Paul Kirschner (Netherlands) and Pamela Snow (Australia). The conversation with Kate Nation will be released this Tuesday, 13 October 2020.
Professor Kate Nation is an experimental psychologist and a recognised expert on language and literacy development in school age children. She is a Professor of Experimental Psychology and Fellow of St. John’s College of the University of Oxford, where she directs the ReadOxford project and the Language and Cognitive Development Research Group. In 2018, Kate co-authored the paper Ending the Reading Wars: Reading Acquisition from Novice to Expert.
Hear Kate discuss this important paper and much more in the next instalment of Talking Literacy!
If you have already registered for the Talking Literacy webinar series, you will receive an email with a link and the access code to watch the webinar when it goes live.
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