
Auspeld provides evidence-informed advice, direction and support to families, teachers, schools and specialists wishing to gain an insight into how children and adults learn best.

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Over the past 12 months we have

assisted and
supported over


teachers and allied health professionals



days of evidence-informed training, Australia-wide

assisted and
supported over


families and individual students

Latest News and Resources

The work of Auspeld and all SPELD Associations is guided by current research and the body of evidence known as the Science of Learning. Auspeld promotes high-quality teaching practice and the use of evidence-informed approaches and resources with every learner across all areas of the curriculum. To learn more about high-quality initial teaching of literacy and numeracy, and evidence-informed support strategies and resources to promote learning for all students, please visit your local SPELD organisation (or the website of any SPELD Association). Featured resources and updates can be found below and by visiting the Useful Information section of this website.

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Register free of charge with Auspeld to ensure that you are kept up to date with information about upcoming events, new articles, evidence-informed resources and so much more. This is an exciting opportunity to connect with others dedicated to high quality instruction and effective language and literacy support.

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The Online Parent Guide

The Understanding Learning Difficulties Guide has been designed and produced to provide parents and carers with current information about the nature of learning disabilities in children, and to offer practical guidance on the most appropriate identification, intervention and support.

Talking Literacy

These free recorded conversations with international experts (conducted by Auspeld President Mandy Nayton) are essential viewing for teachers, administrators, speech pathologists, psychologists and parents keen to learn more about evidence-informed practice in the fields of literacy, language and learning.

Browse the Bookshop

The Auspeld bookshop stocks a range of excellent resources for educators and families wanting to learn more about evidence-informed instruction and support. Bookshop orders can now be completed online.

Online screening

This screening tool can help parents make decisions about appropriate ways to support their child with possible learning difficulties. Although online screening tools cannot provide a formal diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder such as Dyslexia, this tool can provide advice on what to do next. A version for adults concerned about their learning is currently in development. 

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