The second DSF Language, Literacy and Learning Conference was held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Thursday April 4th to Saturday April 6th, 2019. More than 850 delegates and 90 speakers from WA, interstate and around the world contributed to this incredible event. The response from delegates, speakers and exhibitors has been overwhelmingly positive. One-half of attendees scored the conference 10 out of 10! – with the conference receiving an overall ranking of 9.1/10 from the delegates surveyed.
The conference was preceded by a full-day of masterclasses, parent workshops and technology sessions for those keen to access additional training from a number of DSF’s visiting experts. Across the six keynote addresses and 65 breakout sessions, workshops and symposia, the conference provided valuable information, insights and networking opportunities for teachers, principals, school psychologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists.
The outstanding keynote sessions presented by Professor Stanislas Dehaene, Professor Simon E. Fisher, Professor Daniel Ansari, Professor Kathy Rastle, Dr Yana Weinstein-Jones and Mr Tom Bennett were very well received. We are grateful to the keynote speakers for sharing their expertise.

AUSPELD is a proud supporter of the Language, Literacy & Learning Conference and would like to thank the Ian Potter Foundation, the Perth Convention Bureau, the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and all other Conference sponsors for joining us in supporting this exceptional event.
We are looking forward to the next conference in 2021.
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