Auspeld recently provided a response to the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review Discussion Paper. Auspeld’s submission considers the key questions of how best to attract and select high-quality candidates into the teaching profession, and how best to prepare Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students to be effective teachers. To read Auspeld’s submission in full, please go to the link below.
Category: Submissions
Australian Curriculum Review
As part of the Review of the Australian Curriculum, Auspeld prepared two separate submissions outlining a number of issues of concern with the proposed draft curriculum. Auspeld’s submissions provided specific feedback regarding the Australian Curriculum English (F to 6) and Mathematic (F to 6). To read Auspeld’s submissions in full, please click on the links below.
2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education
We recently sought the input of teachers, parents, and students with learning difficulties to help inform AUSPELD’s submission to the 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education. We received almost 1,000 completed surveys from families and educators across Australia!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many teachers, parents and students who took the time to respond to the survey and who spoke so honestly about their experiences and views. Hopefully, we have captured your thoughts and voices in our submission.
AUSPELD’s submission can be viewed here.